The Long Island STEM Hub is a consortium of Long Island leaders who believe that we can do great things working together. We are a group that recognizes that when a workforce possesses strong science, technology, engineering and mathematics based skills it will drive our economy, retain our businesses, and draw more businesses to our region as they seek the talent that resides in our region. We invite others to join us as we generate a rising tide that will raise all ships. We seek to ensure opportunity and access for all of our diverse communities in this endeavor.
Long Island STEM Hub Co-Stewards
The Long Island STEM Hub leadership includes two co-stewards representing industry partners that are reliant on and committed to the development of a highly competent STEM workforce.
Ken White, Manager, Office of Educational Programs, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Long Island STEM Core Team
A primary goal of the Long Island STEM Hub is to bring industry, academia and not-for-profits together to prepare our youth for the high tech jobs on Long Island – to keep them right here at home. Our “Core Team” meets quarterly to share activities, present opportunities for collaboration, and to network with one another for greater success. We work together to provide broad geographic opportunities for STEM participation, to ensure opportunities for sustained engagement by our students, and to work cooperatively to be as competitive as possible in bringing STEM education grant funding to Long Island.
- A Plus Solutions
- Accelerate Long Island
- Adelphi University
- Advance DNA Science Biodex
- Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Cameron Engineering
- Catholic Health Services of Long Island
- Center for Science Teaching and Learning
- Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
- College to Career Connection Partnership
- Cradle of Aviation
- Eastern Suffolk BOCES
- Farmingdale State College
- Girls Inc. of Long Island
- Hauppauge Industrial Association
- Hempstead Works
- Hofstra University
- Long Island Regional Advisory Council on Higher Education (LIRACHE)
- Long Island Workforce Investment Board
- Mark Grossman Public Relations
- Microsoft
- Molloy University
- Nassau BOCES
- Nassau County IDA
- National Grid
- New York Institute of Technology
- New York State Department of Labor
- Northwell Health
- Portnoy, Messinger, Pearl & Associates
- School to Business Partnerships of Long Island (SBPLI)
- Smithtown School District
- Stony Brook University
- Suffolk County Community College
- Suffolk County IDA
- SUNY Old Westbury
- Superintendent-College President Partnership
- We Connect the Dots
- Western Suffolk BOCES
- Winthrop-University Hospital
- Workforce Development Institute
Long Island STEM Hub Anchor Sites
- Nassau County – Cradle of Aviation Museum
- Suffolk County – Brookhaven National Laboratory
Regional Industry Council Leaders
The Long Island STEM Hub initiative deliberately targets STEM-based industry sectors that are a staple of the Long Island community, or are emerging strengths for our region. The STEM Hub maintains a direction that is consistent with priorities of the Long Island Regional Economic Development Council. A number of representatives from these industry sectors have taken on the role as Regional Industry Council leaders to ensure engagement from their professional communities.
- Healthcare
- Cheryl Davidson, Northwell Health
- Stacy Groppack, Stonybrook University
- Energy & Environment
- Dorian Dale, Suffolk County
- Aerospace
- Andrew Parton, Cradle of Aviation Museum
- Information Technology
- Michael Nizich, ConnectToTech/Impact
- Manufacturing
- Mike Vetter, East/West Industries
- Engineering & Architecture
- John Cameron, Cameron Engineering and Associates, LLP
- Life Sciences
- John T. Tanacredi, Ph.D., Molloy University/CERCOM